Trying Something New

Dixthon Marplestone
7 min readSep 1, 2019


Mack and I had been together for a year, and had agreed that if we stuck it out for that amount of time then we would discuss ways to refresh our relationship—mainly sexually—on our first annual (we also joked “heteroannual” to our “biannual”) anniversary.

Well, we talked about “trying something new” a little earlier than our anniversary. We were both open to a lot. We had tried just about everything together and just about every variation of them. It was time to introduce a new factor, and to us that meant a new person. I had always been interested in a threesome, or possibly even something approaching an orgy, and discussing it with Mack, he too was intrigued by the idea of a third addition to bring our straight line to a more dynamic triangle—at least for one evening.

We had found them on Craigslips, with a specific Lips ad that explicitly explained that they were looking for couples “open to adventure of all types.” They decided to leave their anatomy as “a surprise.” This enticed both Mack and me, leaving us with a curiosity as loud as our mucous snares. If anything, the absence of a real in-depth description or image of them allured us even more than if we had more details, as the uncertainty of their structure left enough to the imagination to send our thought chambers into a branching cascade of imaginative visions that could take us in any number of interesting directions.

Could they have a donglis or hagli? Did their donglis detach or was it a dual-operating length of tubular twins? Did they have breasts and what kind of oils would they release? Perhaps they had radial slimy cupula hanging from their back like willow trees, or maybe they didn’t even have a back, but instead a gaping hole lending their body a sexy donut shape whose ring Mack and I could stick our heads through and lick each other’s bony horjas, rubbing the surrounding flesh ring’s curvaceous inner walls all the while to our lover’s content as our hot ears sing so many songs and our jaws unhinge and snap into place again with each and every swallowing kiss. Maybe this lover would be able to split into two, pleasing both Mack and I separately as two separate sexual entities with their own hagli, fisci, or donglises.

Mack was quick to reach out to them, letting them know we were open to any possibilities, but little did we know just how drastically our expectations would be exceeded.

We met this stranger at a bar the night of our anniversary, unsure of what to expect, when they walked through the door and greeted us.

“Mack? Jexel?” they asked, grin wide and chessboard.

“Hi, Krys,” I confirmed, attempting to match his grin without ripping the corners of my mouth.

We enjoyed a few drinks together and were instantly comfortable with each other.

“So, what do you do for a living?” Mack and I asked Krys in unison.

“I am a janitor at the pots and pans company.”

“Oh,” I replied. “Interesting. Very humble profession.”

“Yes, but that only encourages me to be less humble in my private life. Almost as a kind of secret rebellion against pots and pans corporate.”

Somehow this notion turned me on even more, as I felt both my hagli moisten and tighten with eagerness.

Before we knew it, we were back at Krys’s place, his apartment on the 87th floor of a beautiful high-rise facing the carbonide ocean with its glimmering charcoal-colored brilliance beneath the muddy sunset.

“Beautiful place you have,” I commented, Mack quiet as ever apart from his already-wet lips as he sucked at the cool glass on the balcony windows. “On a janitor’s salary, no less.”

“I am a Special Janitor,” Krys said. “I clean my boss’s insides as well as his office, acting as a kind of human sex enema.”

“That sounds demeaning,” Mack said before returning to his window-sucking.

“He pays me well to use my sponge and cloths to do all I can to scrub his organs, from gullet to groin.”

“I would rather not discuss internal organ cleansing at the moment,” I murmured, walking over to Krys, “so much as external organ cleansing.”

Eager to see what Krys was equipped with beneath his beige jumpsuit bearing his name, I ripped it off with my cuticles in a single sweep. Krys gasped and as their body heaved before me naked in all its effervescent glory, I saw that they had two donglises on each thigh, each with a set of huevos largos and a jungulus that protruded outward to hypnotize me.

Mack, no longer interested in tasting the glass, moved away from the window and over to me and Krys.

“Why don’t we go to the bedroom?” Krys suggested.

We walked together into the recommended room and Mack and I undressed as Mack sucked on my shoulder blade, which undulated with excitement like an ocean wave.

What was most astonishing about Krys’s biology, above all else revealed, was their loop-like center that was even more pronounced than I imagined it could be. The loop consumed the entirety of their torso, with a kind of pearly pink wavy portal in the center. I asked what it was because while I was familiar with torsal loops, I was not familiar with what filled its center.

“It’s a time window,” Krys replied. “Crawl through me and you can experience time as you’ve never experienced it before, in eternal ecstasy, a figurative temporal loop to match the flesh loop you see before you.”

I was smitten, enamored with the idea of the portal and its possibilities. Krys’s vague explanation, just as their previously vague description of physiological structure, only piqued my curiosity as Mack and I stared at each other. Krys was an enigma literally through and through.

“Shall we?” Mack asked me, nodding toward the portal.

“Of course,” I urged.

We both held hands as Krys bent over to widen their portal as the flesh ring expanded.

The two of us crawled through Krys’s portal and anticipated nothing, only to find ourselves on the other side in the midst of pure ecstasy, both of us mid-orgasm as we emerged on the other side of Krys like newborns entering a fresh world of pleasure.

Mack spewed and spewed from his split donglis, I squirting and screaming from both of my moistened hagli, Krys grinning even wider as he turned to face our spasming bodies.

“What just happened?” I asked, voice trembling.

“You just traveled several minutes into the future, in a timeline in which I made both of you orgasm in simultaneum.”

“W-w-w-what about you?” Mack asked, himself struggling to talk as he continued to cum in psychotic hysteria, his laughs echoing through the ceiling and back around to us in a boomerang of sonic lust.

Krys grinned and grinned, and it became apparent that he was about to enter his own domain of pleasure as his donglises grew longer and harder before spraying that pink-green sputum forth like fountains of candy juice, which fell on Mack and me as he moaned. Even his neck holes opened like honeycomb and sang together in harmony. It sounded like an Ed Sheeran song I couldn’t place.

Addicted to this sensation, Mack and I kissed and kissed, my shoulder blades splitting and shifting just as Mack’s did the same, his arm bones dislocating and reconfiguring into upright and inverse V’s until it became clear that we had to go through Krys’s portal again. So, we entered and Krys groaned with enjoyment as we did. We came out the front side just as we had entered and found ourselves in the chasms of neuronal stimulus once again, this time the pleasure intensified beyond any tier we had reached prior.

Mack’s sputum spurted from his donglis, which screeched in a pitch I had never heard it reach. His nipples detached and crawled into my hagli as if burrowing into pleasure habitats. They crawled around inside me, which made my orgasms even stronger.

This continued for hours until language became one of sound and sound alone, homogenous in that it was all expressions of orgiastic joy, pain forgotten like memories of life before this moment. All that mattered was this time with Krys, which was timeless as we journeyed through their portal and back again.

By the time the sun had begun to come up, Krys, exhausted, fell and announced in whispered English, “It’s time to go,” the first actual words spoken between the three of us in half a day.

In reluctance, all three of us dressed, as Mack and I realized that we had stumbled upon something so unusual and perfect by meeting Krys and their portal. We had become sexually untethered in time and space and there was no telling how our future moments in the coming year would surprise us, let alone future anniversaries or perhaps anniversaries celebrated in a sensual past we never knew.

As Krys left the apartment, Mack gave me a mischievous look and, undressing again, we decided to relive that anniversary in our own mental portals as our physical entities entwined once more.



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